A $200,000 fund was recently established by The Worcester County Education Foundation which will enable it to meet the needs of students today and in the future. The fund, held at the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, will assist WCEF in linking community resources with the educational needs of Worcester County Public School students.
The Worcester County Education Foundation hopes to help students prepare for the future by growing digital learning opportunities in and out of the class room. With long term plans to equip every child from K-12 with appropriate digital devices, WCEF hopes for students to develop digital skills that are necessary for workforce readiness.
“I am confident that the establishment of an endowment for the Worcester County Education Foundation (WCEF) through the Community Foundation will have a lasting impact for the students of Worcester County for years to come,” said Superintendent of Schools, Lou Taylor. “The Education Foundation continues to work to support our school system through teacher grants and funding for our digital conversion; this endowment will create another avenue to ensure WCEF support is sustained well into the future.”
“As the digital world advances every day, it is important for our local students to be able to learn evolving technology,” states Erica Joseph, president of the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore. “Through their fund, the Worcester County Education Foundation can benefit from the long term financial management, administrative resources, and expertise we offer at CFES.”
For more information about the Worcester County Education Foundation visit www.wced.foundation
WCEF board members present a $200,000 check to establish a fund at the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore. Pictured left to right: Melissa Reid, Patti Miller, Toni Keiser, Lou Taylor, Todd Ferrante, Tara Miller, Adrienne Naleppa, Hope Palmer, John Quinn, Chad Vent, Greg Shockley. Not pictured: Jack Burbage, Todd Burbage, Lee Chisholm, Bill Gordy, Al Handy, Duke Marshall, Josh Nordstrom, Ray Thompson, Deborah Travers, Susan Trimble, Chris Woodley, Sheila Zimmer.
About the Community Foundation: As leaders, grant makers, and stewards of philanthropy, the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore connects people who care to causes that matter for the common good of the Lower Eastern Shore. We are a 501c3 nonprofit with an inspiring history of fostering charitable endeavors, and have provided more than $77 million in grants and scholarships to the local community since 1984. We collaborate with individuals, families, and businesses to match their charitable interests with community needs and strengthen local nonprofits through grants and resources. We are devoted to improving our regional community and believe in the power of philanthropy.
For information contact: Victoria Kent, Marketing Officer | 410-742-9911 |vkent@CFES.org