Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore Inc. (BBBSES) is proud to announce their 2020 Bigs of the Year sponsored by Olive Garden of Easton, Maryland. The Bigs of the Year awards are appointed to outstanding mentors who display dedication and leadership in the relationship with their little. Derlyn Fenninger, from Wicomico County, has been honored with the Big Brother of the Year title. Ashley Seibel, from Caroline County, has been named the Big Sister of the Year.
Fenninger and his Little Brother, have been matched for over two years. They met in 2018 at BBBSES annual holiday gathering and instantly found interests they have in common. Their love for the outdoors quickly created a strong connection and ultimately set the tone for their outings. When asked about what they like to do together, Little Brother says, “We like to go fishing, hunting, bike riding, and play basketball together!”
The Little Brother’s parents had fond words to offer in their nomination, “This mentor is a very caring young man and a great example of what a good man should be. His values are all about living a good productive life. We are very appreciative of all he does.” Fenninger’s commitment to his Little’s future has been evident throughout their two-year relationship.
Seibel, The Big Sister of The Year, has been matched with her Little Sister for nearly two years. When asked what they like to do together, her Little Sister said that their favorite activities are playing outside and baking together. Seibel’s Little Sister’s mom nominated Seibel. “Ashley deserves the title of “Big Sister of the Year”, as she has gone above and beyond being just a Big Sister to Savanah. Her whole family has accepted Savanah, our whole family has accepted Ashley, and we have done things together as a whole, all while meeting the requirements of the one-on-one time with Savanah.” Seibels positive influence on her Little, Savannah, has left an undeniable impact on not only Savannah, but her family as well.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore congratulates and thanks both Fenninger and Seibel for their diligence and devotion to their Littles. These two award recipients truly are defending, inspiring and empowering potential.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore, Inc. is a nonprofit, youth development organization whose mission is to provide enrichment and create and support mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. If you are interested in learning how you can become a mentor or contribute financially, go to www.shorebiglittle.org.