September 17, 2021 is the next 3rd Friday in Downtown Salisbury. 3rd Friday will be held outdoors with artists and crafters filling the streets, live music, and special events. This month’s theme is Urban Artscapes – with chalk art, architecture highlights, the Matthew Bennett Davey Band and more.
Urban Artscapes is all about appreciating the beauty of Downtown Salisbury’s cityscape, and enjoying the color and vibrancy art can bring to urban areas. Stop by the 3rd Friday table for a copy of the Downtown Salisbury Architectural Walking Tour full of information about the many historic and architecturally significant buildings, or a copy of the Public Art Walking Tour for a complete list of Downtown’s murals, sculptures and painted power boxes. St. Peters Episcopal Church will be hosting tours, and invites all to stop by and enjoy their stained glass and amazing history – as well as burgers and dogs fresh off the grill in the courtyard.
3rd Friday participants can help add color to Downtown Salisbury by participating in chalk art activities throughout the event footprint. Wicomico Goes Purple is bringing color to Downtown with the announcement of the 2021 Wicomico Goes Purple Downtown Window Decorating Competition winners –keep an eye out for all the store fronts decked out in purple this month in support of opioid addiction awareness and recovery support. Blackwater Apothecary went a step further, with a temporary art installation titled “Letters to the Lost | Letters to the Living”, with submissions from local community members.
For more art in an urban landscape, 3rd Friday will host the Matthew Bennett Davey Band live on Government Office Building Steps, bringing reggae, funk, rock and blues. Check out live raku pottery firing on Main Street hosted by David Smith and Salisbury Art Space. Enjoy pop culture on the Riverwalk with SBY Movies on the River, this month featuring Inception (PG-13) with its mind-bending urban illusions and an 8 p.m. showtime. On Sunday, check out free Shakespeare at Riverwalk Amphitheater with Brown Box Theatre Project’s presentation of Much Ado Nothing with a 7:30 p.m. showtime.
Salisbury Art Space will be open with its 2021 Members Exhibition on display. This annual show shines a spotlight on the talents for Salisbury Art Space’s ‘most valuable players’: its members! The show has been sponsored by The Whaley Family Foundation and judged by Salisbury University Fine Art Professor Jinchul Kim, with the work of Jinchul Kim’s students on display in the Foyer Gallery, and the work of U.M.E.S Sequential Arts Professors Elvin Hernandez and Bradley Hudson on display in Salisbury Art Space’s Robinson Gallery.
3rd Friday will no longer require facemasks for outdoor activities, but please remember masks could still be required inside. The 3rd Friday’s virtual event on Facebook will continue to share event and community highlights for those who choose to continue to social distance.
3rd Friday is a downtown economic development initiative and a project of the Salisbury Arts & Entertainment District, in partnership with The City of Salisbury. For More Information: 3rdFridaySby.com