Tired of lugging display boards
and sitting all day at job fairs?
Want to be a part of a new way to
get skilled, qualified employees?
Attend our Reverse Job Fair!
What: Reverse job fairs flip the typical job
fair design. Jobseekers sit at tables with stacks
of resumes and display boards that showcase their
skills and experience.
Employers circulate the room to speak with committed and motivated job seekers!
Reach a diverse applicant pool who are job ready!
When: Friday, March 23, 2018
Where: Tri-County Multi-Purpose Center
31901 Tri-County Way
Salisbury, MD 21804
Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Qualified job seekers are excited to showcase their education, experience, and abilities.
*Veteran friendly event
*Interview Rooms Available for On-the-spot interviews
*Updated information on ADA
* Local Business resources on-site
*Refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP by March 20, 2018 to:
Shelly Brown at Sbrown@lswa.org
For more information call: 410-341-3835 Extension 2601