Who: Friends Wicomico Public Library
What: Presented by the Friends of Wicomico Public Library, this awards breakfast recognizes the dedication of everyday individuals doing extraordinary work in promoting the power of literacy throughout the community. The Light of Literacy Awards brings together leaders from around the area to recognize those who are luminaries in our community, lighting the way for others by their example.
When: Thursday, April 3rd from 8 am – 10 am
Where: The Fountains – Salisbury, Maryland
Why: The Friends of Wicomico Public Library along with our local community will be recognizing individuals in our community that help others improve their reading, information, computer, financial and other literacy skills, giving them the necessary tools to become lifelong learners. By recognizing individuals and organizations who promote literacy and by raising public awareness of their work, the Friends hope to multiply their efforts and the effect they have in the community. This will benefit those who volunteer, those who are helped by these volunteers, and those with literacy needs who are seeking assistance.
Below is a list of our nominees:
Adult Luminary Award
Joanne Doyle
Neil Jen
Local Author Luminary Award
Aaron Basko
PLB Comics
Tina Dayton-Ludwick
Business Luminary Award
Greenbranch Organic Farm
Chick Fil A
Educator Luminary Award
Teresa Parrott
Erin Neal
Linda Truitt
Patricia Blevins
Barbara Bennett
Higher Education Luminary Award
Dr. Barbara Schultz Dr. James Burton Dr. Judith Pike Dr. Joyce Wiencek Dr. Nick Melczarek
Non-Profit Organization Luminary Award
Agape Ministry of the The Episcopal Diocese of Easton
United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore’s Imagination Library
Salisbury Horizons
Epoch Dream Center
Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art
Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore
Youth Luminary Award
Douglas Buck
James M. Bennett High School Drama Club
“Got Literacy?” at James M. Bennett High School