*Registration deadline for each class is 1 week prior to start date. Book a spot today!
Gelli Prints: Rolling & Stamping Color with Dana Paternoster
Saturdays, June 16 – July 17 • Noon – 2 PM
Ages 11-18
Paint on a surface similar to Jello & transfer it to paper to create the artwork. Explore dif-ferent techniques & create finished artworks that can be used as cards, journal co-vers, etc…, and of course ART!
Photography as Art
with Dana Paternoster
Saturdays, June 16 – July 17 • 9 AM – 11 AM
Ages 13 – 18
Each class will explore a different style of pho-tography and will have an opportunity to practice taking photos during each session. If weather permits, students will go out on the Downtown Plaza each week to take photos.
*Camera or Cell Phone required
Music, the True Language
with Daaryn Stellar
June 25 – 29 • 10 AM – Noon
Ages 10 – 15
Students will first learn Music Theory, incorpo-rating math and science into the learning pro-cess; learn to hear notes and read music; and finish with a “jam session” at the end of each class. *Blank, un-ruled Notebook required
Experimenting with Watercolor
with Kimberly Wisseman
July 9 – 13 • 10 AM – Noon
Grades: K – 2
Young artists will discover the properties of watercolors as they control the variables themselves and later make artistic choices based on what they have learned.
Beading with Tyvee
with Tyvette Brown
July 16 – 20 • 10 AM – 1 PM
Ages: 7 – 12
Have fun beading with Tyvee B as she teaches you not only how to make a special friendship bracelet but how to add beads to your special creation!!
Kids’ Clay with Paula Smith
July 23 – 27 • 10 AM – Noon
Ages: 6+
Instructor Paula Smith will teach students the basic skills required for throwing clay on a potter’s wheel. *Only 5 spots available!
Intro to Pen & Ink: Drawing a
Bengal Tiger with Tawn Crosby Shivers
July 23 – 27 • 1 PM—3 PM
Ages: 11 –14
Learn basic pen & ink techniques while drawing the endangered white Bengal tiger. Instructor, Tawn Crosby Shivers will teach stippling, hatching, cross-hatching and will use text to complete the tiger portrait.
Mixed Media Collage
with Sarah Perdue
July 30 – August 3 • 9 AM – 11 AM
Ages: 10-15
Kids ages 10-15 are invited to explore a varie-ty of mediums with a fun collage class! Come join us to mix together magazine images, drawing, and more to create imaginative designs!
Graffiti: The Art of the Letters
with Tawn Crosby Shivers
August 6 – 10 • 10 AM – Noon
Ages: 11-14
Experience the “Art of Graffiti Letters.” In-structor, Tawn Crosby Shivers will teach eve-rything from Bubble Letters, 3-D Letters, to adding characters, all in the Graffiti style.
Introduction To Cartooning
with Brad Hudson
August 6 – 10 • 1 PM – 3 PM
Ages: 10+
A simple, introductory class into comic book illustration. Students will examine the basic principles of storytelling and the materials and techniques used. Individuals will create a basic story that exercises these concepts!
African Drum Circle with Ted Nichols
August 13 – 17 • 10 am— Noon
Grades 2-5
Join Ted Nichols from Drums Around the World – play in a drum circle, build a rain stick painted with African designs, lay other African instruments and learn Latin and street drumming rhythms.
Soap Carving with Ted Nichols
August 13 – 17 • 1 — 3 PM
Ages 7-10
Are you interested in learning basic wood carving? Carve animals and more from soap and paint them, with a final project of sand-ing and painting a wooden bird.
Kids’ Clay II with Paula Smith
August 27 – 31 • 10 AM – Noon
Ages: 6+
Instructor Paula Smith will teach students the basic skills required for throwing clay on a potter’s wheel. *Only 5 spots available!