In 2017, a group of administrators and faculty members at Wor-Wic Community College started building an endowment fund to preserve the legacy of Dr. Elinor Phillips Cubbage and to ensure continued funding for Wor-Wic’s honors program and the arts on campus.
Cubbage, a professor emeritus who taught English at Wor-Wic since 1977, inspired many Wor-Wic students over more than 40 years. She founded the college’s Arts Club and creative arts journal, “Echoes & Visions,” and oversaw both for more than 20 years. She also founded the honors program in 1995 and went on to serve as program director for 15 years. A recent donation brought the fund total to the $10,000 needed to create an endowment at the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.
Anyone interested in honoring Cubbage or supporting the arts or honors at WorWic can send a check, made payable to the Wor-Wic Foundation with “Cubbage Honors & Arts Endowment” written on the memo portion, to the Wor-Wic Foundation, 32000 Campus Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804. Gifts can be made by credit card by calling 410-334-2948 or online through the “Donate” link on the college website at www.worwic.edu.

CUBBAGE. In the front row, from left, Dr. Ray Hoy, president of Wor-Wic Community College, and Jessica Hales, executive director of the Wor-Wic Foundation, present a $10,000 check to Jim Thomas, chairman of the board of the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, to create an Honors and Arts Endowment Fund, named for Wor-Wic Professor Emeritus Dr. Elinor Phillips Cubbage, at far right. In the back row, from left, are some of the administrators and faculty members who were instrumental in creating the endowment, Dr. Allison S. Bartlett, associate professor of English, Dr. Dornell L. Woolford, evening and weekend administrator, and Adam Tavel, professor of English.