Memorial Day Ceremony Will Not Take Place This Month

Bike Salisbury

SALISBURY, Md. – The Memorial Day Ceremony that is held each year at the Wicomico War Veterans’ Memorial will not take place this month because of COVID-19 gathering restrictions.

This year’s ceremony, organized by members of the Wicomico County War Memorial Committee, would have been the 18th annual event. Memorial Day is Monday, May 25.

“Although we will not have our program on May 25th, we will provide a Memorial Day service honoring our veterans both past and present as soon as it is totally safe for our senior veterans and all others to meet in a group setting,” said Tony Sarbanes, chairman of the committee. “We appreciate the understanding of all of our veterans, their families and other interested citizens.”

The memorial is located in front of the Wicomico Civic Center, which is a war memorial in itself. When information is available about a future service, it will be shared at