The traditional on-campus Summer Scholars courses offered by Wor-Wic Community College have been replaced with interactive online courses this year.
Class sessions will be offered via Zoom Monday through Friday for one-and-a-half to three hours in duration over a one- or two-week period. A variety of classes begin every Monday starting June 15 and ending Aug. 7.
Courses being offered this summer include “Minecraft Modders,” “ROBLOX Coders & Entrepreneurs!” and “Battle Royale: Make Your First Fortnite Style Video Game.” Other courses focus on 3-D game design, acoustic engineering, animation and storytelling, astronomy, coding, e-sports, geology, Hispanic festivals and Spanish language, invention, music, programming, the relationship between math and art, and YouTube content creation.
The courses are designed for public, private and home-schooled gifted and talented students who are entering the third through ninth grades in the fall of 2020. A student’s gifted and talented status is determined by the school they attend, based on the student’s abilities in the areas of general intellectual capabilities, specific academic aptitudes, or the creative, visual or performing arts.
Financial assistance is available. Register early for the best selection. Visit www.worwic.edu/SummerScholars or email summerscholars@worwic.edu for more information.