Salisbury- In consideration of Governor Hogan’s recent announcements, and the continuation of phase two of the reopening of Maryland, City Administrator Julia Glanz has announced amendments to the City of Salisbury’s previous executive order dated 6/2/20.
The limit of individuals permitted at a single gathering within City limits has been increased from 10 to 50 individuals. Gatherings such as events, parties, recreation, leisure, weddings, and funerals cannot exceed a maximum of 50 people at any time. This limit applies only to gatherings that do not fall under the category of restaurant, business, or church, which have specific capacity limits as outlined by Governor Hogan.
Masks will be worn at all times when attending events and social distancing measures must be implemented. It will be the event organizer’s responsibility to manage proper social distancing measures, ensure mask wearing, limit and monitor the number of attendees, and implement any additional safety precautions they deem necessary.
Restaurants, businesses, and churches are to refer to the capacity limits and safety protocols put forth by the Governor and the State of Maryland in his most recent executive order. These limits include and are not limited to a maximum of 50% capacity at all times. The Governor’s full, updated executive order can be read here: and updated guidance for restaurants and businesses who are reopening can be found here:
“Our community has shown true strength and resilience during these unprecedented times, and while we are all eager to get back to ‘normal’ it is still just as important now as it was six weeks ago that we take proper precautions, monitor ourselves and our loves ones for symptoms, and do all that we can to continue to keep local and state virus numbers low,” shared City Administrator Julia Glanz.
It is important to the City of Salisbury that facilities which were closed due to COVID-19 are in great shape and ready to be utilized by citizens. While parks and recreational areas within the City of Salisbury are open, playgrounds are to remain closed while our teams prepare them for use. We thank you for your patience when it comes to making sure our playgrounds are safe and ready to use.
We ask that the public continues to monitor City social media and our website for updates concerning executive orders, guidelines, and best practices as outlined by the Maryland Department of Health and the CDC.
The updated executive order can be viewed and downloaded here: