For a fifth year, the three Rotary Clubs in Wicomico County (Salisbury Sunrise Rotary Club, Rotary Club of Wicomico Club and the Rotary Club of Salisbury) have recognized past and present heroes by erecting hundreds of American flags on the corner of eastbound Route 50 and Hobbs Road in Salisbury. Those flags proudly flew from just before Memorial Day to the third week of July.
Each of those years the clubs have donated funds from their Flags for Heroes project, raised through the generous sponsorship of the flags by individuals and community businesses, to a local veterans’ organization(s).
This year, leaders of the three Rotary clubs presented a check for $1,000 from Flags for Heroes to U.S. Kennels Inc., and a second $1,000 check to Operation We Care. U.S. Kennels is organization that assists veterans battling PTSD, brain damage and other combat related disabilities by adopting rescue dogs and training them to become service animals. Operation We Care provides care packages to our men and women of the armed forces who are serving overseas. In 2020, they have also been instrumental in providing snack boxes and face masks to first responders and healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.