September 1, 2020, Salisbury, MD – In observance of September as National Preparedness Month, David Shipley, Director, Wicomico County Department of Emergency Services (DES) encourages you to prepare an emergency plan for your family. This year’s theme is “Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today”.
Communities are vulnerable to any number of hazards or threatening situations. These can include incidents caused by natural disasters and man-made threats. In the event of a disaster or emergency situation individuals and communities may need to be self-sufficient for some time until further assistance from the local, state, and/or federal agencies can be obtained. Being ready requires knowing your risks and developing emergency plans to use during and after the situation. These efforts will help minimize the impact and protect your family, home, and community.
Risks to be prepared for include:
• Hurricane
• Flooding
• Wildfire
• Thunderstorm
• Heat Wave
• Winter Storm
• Tornado
Additional information about these risks and other emergency preparedness topics/planning/risks may be obtained by visiting the DES web page at or calling 410-548- 4820. Go to the QUICK LINKS section on the right side of the DES web site and select ESPANOL to the have the web site translated to Spanish or select KREYOL AYISYEN to the have the web site translated to Haitian Creole