Wicomico County Tourism to Host Its First Photo Walk on Oct. 17


SALISBURY, Md. – Amateur and professional photographers are invited to join Wicomico County Tourism this month for its first Wicomico County Photo Walk.


The free event is set for Saturday, Oct. 17, from 10 a.m.-noon at Pemberton Historical Park, located at 5561 Plantation Lane in Salisbury. Participants should bring a camera; a smartphone camera is fine.

Attendees can interact with other photographers, explore the beautiful park and its trails, and have their work shared in our community. Wicomico County Tourism will share photos from the event on its Wicomico County Tourism blog and on social media, with credit.

“We’re excited to host this new event and see the photos attendees are able to capture at Pemberton,” said Vanessa Junkin, marketing and public relations manager for Wicomico County Recreation, Parks & Tourism.

Because of COVID-19 considerations, the event will be limited to 20 people, and attendees will have to pass an on-site health screening before participating in the event. Masks are required.

Pre-registration is also required. Sign up via a Google form available at www.WicomicoTourism.org under “General Information” and then “Tourism Blog.”

There is a rain date of Oct. 18; participants will be notified if the rain date is needed.