Home Instead, a Berlin base non-medical home care service provider, invites the community in Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset counties to join them in the “Be A Santa To A Senior” season.
Starting in October Home Instead begins to receive senior citizens name nominations from within the community and local facilities who are in need. The names may have a need like dish towels, bath towels, cleaning supplies or food. These names (first name only) are coded and written on an ornament, that gets displayed on one of our local businesses that host our giving trees. The community then picks an ornament, purchases the items, wraps the gift and returns the gift (and ornament) to the location they picked up from. Home Instead Elves and helpers then pick those gifts up and get them delivered.
Last year Home Instead saw a dramatic increase in gifts, with almost eight hundred gifts that changed the days of senior citizen. Our goal for 2023 is eight hundred and fifty gifts, that will meet needs, bring smiles and connect our community through the spirit of giving.
For more information on our “Be A Santa To A Senior” contact Crystal Heiser, CSA at Home Instead (410-641-0901).