Poets’ Corner Celebrates Pride on June 13

logo for Poets Corner with a pen

SALISBURY, MD — During the June Poets’ Corner event, set for Thursday, June 13, community members are invited to take part in a joyful celebration of kindness, love, diversity and inclusion.

The theme for this month’s Poets’ Corner is Pride, and attendees are encouraged to dress to express support. This free event series is hosted by the City of Salisbury’s poet laureate, Nancy Mitchell.

Poets’ Corner will run from 6-8 p.m. at the Salisbury Headquarters, located at 115 S. Division St.

The guest poet for this month’s event is Cassandra Whitaker, who will read poems and discuss the recurring motifs of the wolf, a symbol of powerlessness, and ultimately a person’s shadow self, or emptiness; and the bride, a symbol of joy, new identity/names, and of love.

Attendees can bring their own poems or prose to read or other poems/prose they would like to share, with attribution.

To learn more or register to read, visit www.bit.ly/PoetsCornerSBY.