Governor Moore Says ‘Adjustments’ Needed to Education Plan Amid Funding Concerns

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The multi-billion-dollar education spending plan that Maryland lawmakers overrode a veto to get through is underway, yet many leaders in jurisdictions across the state have raised concerns about footing the bill. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future was passed by the General Assembly in 2021, and calls for spending an additional $3.8 billion in education funding each year over the next decade, and then an additional $4 billion each year thereafter. “While I believe in making sure that we have a world class education system, we’ve got to be able to work together to create a an actual plan to be able to implement it because right now there are real challenges in being able to get that done and get it done in a way that the locals and the state, and every other partner who’s involved, sees that taking place,” Moore said. “So, there have to be adjustments.”

Our take: Enacting legislation without ensuring dedicated funding sources, as seen with the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, raises significant concerns. Discussions about refining the Blueprint are essential so that Maryland can achieve a world-class education system without endangering our state’s future economic competitiveness and vitality.

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