Wicomico Rec & Parks’ Just Try It Returns with Winter Sports

Just Try It text
Salisbury, MD – Kids are invited to try a new sport without committing to an entire season at Wicomico Recreation & Parks’ free ‘Just Try It’ event on Tuesday, Oct, 15. Sports featured at this event include basketball, volleyball, wrestling, and karate.
“It’s not uncommon for young children to sign up for an entire season of a sport and decide they don’t like it halfway through” said Youth Sports Program Director Andrew Bugas. “Just Try It provides an opportunity for parents and children to come out, have fun with a variety of sports and then decide if they want to sign up for a full season.”
The event is set to take place from 5-7 p.m. at the Wicomico County Stadium.
The following sports and organizations will be a part of Just Try It: Winter:
  • Volleyball | TBD
  • Basketball | WYBL Staff
  • Wrestling | Parkside Wrestling
  • Karate | Sensei David Doran
Each organization will be running short clinics throughout the event to introduce multiple aspects of the sports. Participants must be between 3-11 years old.
Music, treats, information about Wicomico Recreation and Parks’ scholarship opportunities and staff from all involved organizations will be on site.
Preregistration is recommended and can be found online at www.WicomicoRecandParks.org.