Your Voice Matters: Advocate for Wicomico County Education Funding

Per Pupil County Funding from County Government FY 25

Wicomico County Schools rank LAST in local per-pupil funding. Our students deserve better. Join us in demanding change. #DoBetterWicomico
Per Pupil County Funding from County Government FY 25


Over the past 15 years, Wicomico County Public Schools has consistently lagged behind other Maryland school systems in the per-pupil funding provided by our county government. As of this year, Wicomico has unfortunately reached the bottom, ranking 24th out of 24 school districts in Maryland in local per-pupil funding for education.

During the budget development process for the school system and the county, we call on our students, parents and guardians, staff and community to unite and advocate for better funding for education from Wicomico County.

Please help ensure that our students receive the local funding they deserve in next year’s county budget.

The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce Education Network, the Greater Salisbury Committee, and the Wicomico County Education Foundation encourage business leaders, community members, educators, parents, and students to attend and consider speaking in support of education funding at the County Executive’s Budget Hearing on March 10th.

County Executive’s Budget Hearing
Monday, March 10, 2025 – 6:00 PM
Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
DaNang Room
500 Glen Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21804

Your voice is critical in ensuring our public schools receive the necessary funding to support students, educators, and our community.

Why This Matters

  • Strong Schools = A Strong Economy – A community’s best investment is in its public schools.
  • WCPS Needs Consistent & Fair Funding – We are advocating for MOE + inflation + a 2% investment – not a one-time ask, but a sustainable plan for the future.
  • Wicomico Ranks Last in Local Per-Pupil Funding – Our students deserve better.

How You Can Help

  • Attend & Speak – Comments are limited to 3 minutes, but a short, heartfelt message can significantly impact the discussion.
  • Share WCPS Social Media Posts – Starting today, look for posts that you can share to spread awareness.
  • Stay Engaged – There will be another opportunity later in the budget process to speak before the County Council (date TBD), but the County Executive and her team must hear from us now.

Below is a link highlighting key facts and talking points to help guide your remarks. Please feel free to use them while also sharing your perspective.


Your voice matters. Let’s stand together to advocate for the investment our students and schools need.

Questions? Contact Bill Chambers, SACC President/CEO, at 410-749-0144 x 101 or email