The Stash Your Trash Heron Flock has landed at the Wicomico Public Library and will be on display until June 8, 2015. Every heron in this flock was built out of recyclable materials by local students and entered in the “Build a Heron” contest hosted by the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce Beautification committee and Stash Your Trash initiative, the City of Salisbury’s and Wicomico County’s anti-litter campaign. The winning heron, “Scuttle” is still looking for the next place to land. The chamber is accepting nominations of businesses committed to keeping office space and property litter free and practice energy efficient methods. If you know of a business that is worthy please contact:
Priscilla Timken, Chesapeake Tours & Promotions 443-366-2784, info@chesapeaketourplanner.com
Sophia Smecker, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce 410-749-0144