Ryland Weaver is a 7 year old Salisbury-resident and is trying to accomplish his dream of building a park in Downtown Salisbury. With the help of social media, Ryland’s project has gained tons of buzz in the local community and he has created an online petition to support his #downtownsbypark initiative.
Hello, my name is Ryland Weaver. I am a 7 year old boy and I love to go to parks with
my little brother and my parents. I live in an apartment in Downtown Salisbury, and I
hope to create a park in #DowntownSBY for kids and families to play and exercise.
According to the Trust for Public Land, 95% of adults, 92% of teenagers, and 58% of
kids do not get enough daily exercise. The more parks in the neighborhood, the more
people will exercise.
I want this park to be walkable in Downtown Salisbury. Most places are close together in
our Downtown. I like this because we can walk to each of these different places without
even getting in our vehicle.
I want the park to be connected to our local library and our Downtown retail. We have
an awesome library. I love it because we can check out books, movies, work on
computers, and even play with Legos! And our Downtown shops have awesome food
and drinks! A community park with great playground equipment and open space would
help kids and families experience our Downtown.
I want the park to be attractive to kids and families. I would love to see a place in
Downtown where parents are encouraged to play with their kids in a safe and
adventurous place. I love the green space in parks to play games like football, soccer,
and tag.
Above all, I want this park to be FUN! My favorite park ever is Ben’s Red Swings
because of the play equipment. I love the swings and climbing tires. However, the
playground equipment wouldn’t have to be this complicated in Downtown. It could be
much more simple. I have several ideas about what this might look like.
Kids and families do not have a lot of space to play and exercise in Downtown
Salisbury. So I hope to create a park!
If you want to support me go to DowntownSBYPark.com and show interest by signing
the petition. You can also read my story updates as we continue taking action together.
Thank you!