a.s.a.p.r. integrated marketing Ribbon Cutting


What do you do when your ribbon cutting is so big you can’t all fit in your office? Go on the roof of course! That is exactly what attendees did during an incredible turn out for a.s.a.p.r. intergrated marketing’s June 1 ribbon cutting. As a.s.a.p.r. closes in on 19 years of committed service to its clients across the country, they found with the growth of their client roster, expanded product offerings and contractor network (known as the a.s.a.p.r. Creative Suite) they definitely needed more space! Offering branding, public relations, marketing, graphic design, advertising and social media services, give a.s.a.p.r a call for all your marketing needs or visit them at their new location on the 2nd floor of the Gateway Plaza building downtown!  http://www.asapr.com/