Salisbury, MD —Wicomico Recreation & Parks’ Adult and Youth Chess Tournaments return to the Wicomico Civic Center Feb. 21-22. Show off your skills and compete to be crowned this year’s chess champion.
The youth tournament, for ages 5-18, kicks off at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21. Players are guaranteed four matches and can register in advance for $10, or day-of for $15.
The adult tournament, for participants 18 and older, begins at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22. Registration is $20 in advance or $25 at the door and players are guaranteed three matches. Rated youth players are welcome in the adult tournament.
Awards will be given to first, second and third place winners of each division.
The tournaments are located in the Civic Center’s Midway and Da Nang Rooms.
Registration is available at the Wicomico Civic Center box office (500 Glen Ave., Salisbury; Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.) or online at www.WicomicoRecandParks.org. For more information, contact Donnie Knaub at dknaub@wicomicocounty.org or 410-548-4900 x153.
Wicomico County Recreation, Parks & Tourism