For over 20 years, comedy hypnotist Flip Orley has been selling out clubs, coast to coast by the week! The Improv Comedy Clubs have at times, booked him for 12 straight weeks! Flip has made multiple appearances on NBC’s Today Show, Entertainment Tonight, and Comedy Central. Catch him live at Salisbury’s premier live venue, Revival, on April 22 – Friday at 8pm!
“Aliens Are Among Us and They’re Hilarious!
Dallas News- “Hypnotized volunteers are convinced they’re Aliens and can speak their language. It’s crazy!”
NBC Today Show- “Sleep has never been so funny!”
In honor of the 75th anniversary of Roswell NM UFO landing and our fascination with outer space and its inhabitants, Flip Orley presents an evening exclusively dedicated to UFO’s and aliens. His volunteers claim they’ve seen UFO’s and or are aliens themselves and some of them can actually speak the alien language. It’s wild, crazy and a 2- hour evening of non-stop laughter.
On the 1st segment of the video link below, people living in a trailer park look up and see a UFO hovering and it crashes. Some volunteers become aliens who take over the identity of the residents. One of the volunteers, can only use “sign” language to describe the UFO sightings and has “no idea” how to use sign language!
The 2nd segment on the link is from Flip’s Christmas show, with volunteers upset about 1 of them being a Christmas “Elf on the shelf” who refuses to move unless they move him, Convincing volunteers they’re Elves or Aliens is child’s play once Flip has them hypnotized!
About Flip Orley
When Flip takes the stage and rolls up his sleeves, his audience can expect two hours FUN and an experience they will never forget.
Since Flip Orley has burst onto the comedy scene he has single – handedly reshaped the image of hypnosis from its vaudeville image, to an act hip and edgy enough for the MTV generation. Flip’s appearance on the “Today Show” brought rave reviews and stopped traffic in midtown Manhattan. His one-man show has set comedy club attendance records from coast to coast. Faithful fans and new comers alike find themselves screaming with laughter as Flip ignites his volunteers’ subconscious minds and transforms reality. What sets Orley apart from others in his craft, is his true comedic ability, delivering a hilarious stand up set before unleashing his volunteers creative imaginations.
Tickets available online at revivalshows.com or call the box-office at (667) 281-0101 for assistance.
“revival” is located on the 3rd floor of the City Center building in downtown historic Salisbury (213 W. Main St. Salisbury, MD). Follow us online: Facebook @revivalsalisbury, Instagram @revivalshows, Email boxoffice@revivalshows.com