SALISBURY, MD – The Salvation Army Lower Eastern Shore will host the annual Angel Tree toy distribution for over 1,100 children from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on December 21. Families that registered for assistance will be receiving their packages at the drive-thru distribution with cheerful smiles and holiday greetings.
“With the help of Perdue Farms associates, Toys for Tots and many businesses and individuals we are able to assist families who are struggling to make ends meet. With the help of the Angel Tree program, these families will have gifts to put under the tree for their children” said Major Cristina Trantham, corps officer of The Salvation Army of Salisbury. “Every donated toy brings unimaginable joy to these children and their families. We are blessed to be part of a community that is willing to share that kind of joy with others.”
If you would like to volunteer on distribution day, please contact us at 410-749-7771 ext. 100.
About The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army of the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland has been operating since 1913. Serving Wicomico, Worcester, and Somerset Counties, it has sustained its operations financially through excellent stewardship of community resources that have been entrusted to us over the years.
Since 1865, The Salvation Army has preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and worked to meet human needs in his name without discrimination. Today, The Salvation Army serves in every state in the United States and more than 130 countries throughout the world. The Salvation Army has many programs that address social concerns in our community, which include utility and rent assistance, nutrition services, Christmas assistance, worship, disaster relief, and youth programming.