This Week Thursday, February 16, Our branch will be represented at the Voices of Color event at the Wicomico county public library Paul Sarbanes branch 5:30-7pm
1) Today we are announcing the launch of our essay poetry rap or visual art contest entitled, “I Am Black History”. It is open to middle and high school students in Wicomico County. Please help us get the word out by sharing. See flyer below. Thank you
2) I’m looking for volunteers to come to the Christian shelter to read books to the kids and do an activity. This would be done on Saturday, February 25th from 10-11:30. Please let me know if you’re interested in ASAP so that we can make the proper arrangements. Thank you
3) As you may know, we have been collaborating with Wicomico Truth and Reconciliation to highlight Black historical icons from the Delmarva region. Every Monday Wednesday and Friday these pieces can be found on our Facebook page @wicomiconaacp. We have enjoyed celebrating these pioneers who have gone before us and of course to remind this region of the great contributions of Black Americans to the area and to our nation.
4) Our next meeting is scheduled for February 23rd and it will be in person at the new Inspire One location: 803 N Salisbury Blvd Suite 2400, Salisbury, MD (ES Adkins building). We will also offer zoom for those who cannot make it in person. A separate email will be sent out before the end of the week with the agenda and minutes.
5) We are looking for members. We are growing and there is much work to do. We would love for you to share to your sphere of influence about our organization and invite people to become members. And after they do come we look forward to them joining a committee.
6) Not on a committee yet? The NAACP’s infrastructure operates through committees. We invite you to join a committee that focuses on an area of your interest and Passion. There is much work to do and we need your help. Here’s a list of committees. What’s missing is environmental Justice. Please contact President Brooks with your interest. President.wcnaacp7028@gmail.com