APPI New Website


Energy consulting firm, APPI Energy, has launched a new website at The new design makes it easier for business owners and managers to take advantage of APPI Energy’s consulting services. Featuring information about the independent team of energy experts, what they do, and how they can help, the enhanced site is intuitive and easy to navigate.

A resource library of news articles provides market intelligence and industry trends, including unbiased advice for avoiding energy cost increases as a result of the polar vortex events in 2014. Users are invited to sign up for a free weekly market update. Additional webpages provide easy-to-understand details regarding APPI Energy’s electricity procurement services, natural gas program, and assistance with green energy and efficiency projects.

“Our goal with our website redesign is to provide commercial and industrial energy consumers with market insights,” explained Walter Moore, President and CEO of APPI Energy. ”Our online educational resources, such as our news articles, provide a snapshot of current market conditions, and offer helpful information for making smarter energy decisions.”

The site also features photos and biographies of the firm’s leadership team, as well as several customer testimonials from nonprofit, banking, hospitality, manufacturing, municipality, governmental, and automobile dealership industries. WebpageFX of PA developed and implemented the redesigned site. For more information, visit

APPI Energy is enthusiastic to share the redesigned site with customers, business owners, and members of the 140 trade associations and chambers of commerce that already endorse APPI Energy’s consulting program. The team also welcomes feedback. To browse the redesigned site, visit