Having trouble filing for unemployment? To help Maryland’s new and existing claimants access the new BEACON One-Stop, a Username and Password Handbook has been created. Click here: www.labor.maryland.gov/employment/uibeaconuserhandbook.pdf.
Webinar: Accelerating Through the Turn – Future-Proofing Leaders – From Korn Ferry
Friday, May 1, 2020 11:00-11:45 am EDT. Register using this link. This crisis has been the ultimate test for disruptive leadership. How can businesses draw on what they have learned to surround themselves with the leaders they need to thrive in an uncertain world?
Webinar: Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption at Work and Home To Save Money
May 1, 2020 1:00 PM EDT, Presented by Joe Tabeling, CQI & Associates. Register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3831156314537211917
Webinar – COVID-19: Economic Outlook and Prospects for Recovery – May 1 – 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Maryland Chamber Foundation presents a conversation with Tom Barkin, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Mr. Barkin will discuss the Federal Reserve’s recent and unprecedented actions and share his thoughts on the U.S. economy, including what the Richmond Fed is learning through business outreach, and the key components to a successful recovery.
Register Here: https://mdchamber.org/event/webinar-covid-19-economic-outlook-and-prospects-for-recovery/
Attention Non-Profit 501C3 Organizations – Update CARES Act PPP: Clarity from SBA on Loan Calculation & More – https://www.vanderbloemen.com/blog/ppp-clarification-from-sba The SBA released information to help clarify questions about PPP loan amounts. Tips for churches, Christian schools, and nonprofits from Vanderbloemen.
Article– Investments in E-Commerce Yield Big Gains for Small Businesses Amid Pandemic -U.S. Chamber of Commerce