Our Relay for Life team is sponsoring a benefit for the American Cancer Society on August 25TH & 26TH, 2017, in the Hazel Center at Wor-Wic. We are very excited to announce that the performance this year will be done by Lower Shore Performing Arts Company (LSPAC), see enclosed flyer.
Below please find the ad sizes and prices. In order to maximize the benefit to the American Cancer Society we are selling ads for the program. With the purchase of a full page ad, we will include two (tickets) to the show. We would greatly appreciate your support.
To prepare the program in time we ask that you let us know on or before August 10, 2017 if you wish to use the same ad, send us a new ad, or any changes you may want to make. You may e-mail your ad to jlong@averyhall.com in jpg or gif format please. Since this is a benefit for the American Cancer Society, we hope you will place an ad again, this year. The program will be seen by over 500 attendees and appreciated by thousands.
Please make checks payable to Avery Hall Insurance and send to 308 East Main Street Salisbury, MD 21802.
Additional tickets are still available for the show.
On behalf of the Relay for Life team, we thank you for your consideration
Full Page Ad $60
½ Page Ad $40
¼ Page Ad $25
Make Checks Payable to: Avery W. Hall Insurance
Mail to: Avery W. Hall Insurance
308 E. Main St.
Salisbury, MD 21801
Or E-mail to: jlong@averyhall.com – jpg or gif files