The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore honored three award recipients and celebrated annual grant-making efforts at its 34th Annual Meeting and Report to the Community November 2nd. The Foundation celebrated a total of $5.4 million in grants made in fiscal year 2018, including more than a half-million in scholarships to local students.
“Our Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon allows us to celebrate our yearly achievements which would not be possible without the dedication of our donors, volunteers, nonprofits, and local businesses,” says CFES President, Erica Joseph. “The event is a true testament to how the Lower Shore values the importance of giving back to our community.”
The Mary Gladys Jones Volunteer of the Year Award was awarded to Ed Montgomery for his many years dedicated to the service of others. Ed has served on various committees for the Worcester County Local Management Board and for a short time, as a volunteer director. Volunteering with the Jesse Klump Memorial Fund and the Worcester County Health Department, he has worked to reduce the tragedy of suicide and enhance access to mental health care. He is a past board member for Diakonia and for many years chaired the Atlantic United Methodist Church “Helping Hands” Program, and is often found in the church’s soup kitchen. The award annually honors the sustained and unselfish contributions of volunteers in our community and the diversity of time, talent and expertise they share. Mr. Montgomery will receive a $1,000 gift to designate to the charity of his choice.
The Nonprofit Award of Excellence Honoring Richard A. Henson was awarded to Junior Achievement. Junior Achievement works to inspire and prepare young people to succeed through volunteer led, kindergarten -12th grade programs that foster work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills. This year alone Junior Achievement has touched the lives of over 7,000 children in the three-county region, as well as others on the upper shore. The award is presented annually to a nonprofit organization which has implemented a program or project that has made an outstanding contribution to the well-being of residents of the Lower Eastern Shore. The recipient organization receives $5,000 to support their work.
The Frank H. Morris Humanitarian Award was awarded to Col. Bob Cook for his commitment to the community and philanthropy. Many Lower Shore organizations have benefitted from his extraordinary leadership, founding membership, fundraising, or resurgence campaigns, including The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, The Zoo, The Greater Salisbury Committee, Wor-Wic Community College, the YMCA, The Henson Foundation, and many more. His steadfast commitment to improving the community while empowering others through his leadership is seen throughout the Lower Eastern Shore. The award is presented annually to an individual who exemplifies the qualities of leadership, vision, integrity, compassion, cooperation and generosity of time and talents to our community. In honor of the award, a $1,500 gift will be made to the charity of Col. Cook’s choice.
The Chairman’s Award was presented to Tony Sarbanes for his dedication to the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore and philanthropic efforts. He is an unabashed ambassador for the Community Foundation and has served on the Foundation’s Board of Directors for 12 years and the grants committee for over 20 years. His service to community, country and public service includes the United Way, Delmarva Council Boy Scouts, Community Foundation, Salisbury Neighborhood Housing, Trinity United Methodist Church where he has served as a Lay Leader for 18 years, as well as his career as an educator and principal.
About the Community Foundation: As leaders, grant makers, and stewards of philanthropy, the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore connects people who care to causes that matter for the common good of the Lower Eastern Shore. We are a 501c3 nonprofit with an inspiring history of fostering charitable endeavors, and have provided more than $77 million in grants and scholarships to the local community since 1984. We collaborate with individuals, families, and businesses to match their charitable interests with community needs and strengthen local nonprofits through grants and resources. We are devoted to improving our regional community and believe in the power of philanthropy.
For information contact: Victoria Kent, Marketing Officer | 410-742-9911 |vkent@CFES.org