Be Ready to Testify Against the Small Business Services Tax

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Maryland Business Leaders,

A new threat to your business is moving quickly in Annapolis. The proposed tax on business-to-business services (HB 1554/SB 1045) will receive a hearing soon with very little notice, and we need to be prepared to respond with overwhelming business opposition.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • This tax will apply to essential services your business uses daily: accounting, IT support, consulting, human resources and more.
  • Early estimates suggest this proposal could cost businesses tens of thousands annually.
  • Virginia and Delaware don’t tax these services, putting Maryland businesses at a competitive disadvantage.

We need you to take THREE actions:

BE ON HIGH ALERT. A hearing will be scheduled with minimal notice. We need you ready to testify when the call comes. Please:

  • SET UP YOUR MyMGA ACCOUNT NOW — Take 2 minutes to create your profile using step-by-step instructions.
  • DOWNLOAD SAMPLE TESTIMONY — Use our template to craft your 2-minute testimony about how this tax would impact your business.
  • COMPLETE THIS FORM — Ensure we can contact you immediately when a hearing date is set.


  • ACCESS OUR TOOLKIT: Share these ready-to-use materials with other business owners.
  • Forward this email to your professional network — every voice strengthens our message.


  • SEND A MESSAGE. IT TAKES JUST 60 SECONDS. Our platform makes it easy to reach your representatives.

Your immediate action is critical. Last year, proposed business taxes were defeated because business owners showed up in force. We need an even stronger showing this time around. We’ll contact you as soon as a hearing date is confirmed. In the meantime, please reach out with any questions.

Together, we can make Maryland better for business.

Mary D. Kane
President & CEO
Maryland Chamber of Commerce