The Rural Maryland Council has awarded a grant for marketing for the Beach to Bay Heritage Area. The grant was approved for $30,000 through their Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Fund.
The Rural Maryland Council serves as the state’s federally designated rural development council and functions as a voice for Rural Maryland – advocating, educating, and helping rural communities and businesses across the state to flourish and to gain equity to its suburban and urban counterparts.
MAERDAF funds provide support to rural regional planning and economic development organizations and rural community development programs whose missions and work have statewide implications and merit State support.
The Beach to Bay Heritage Area will begin to market the region using previously awarded projects such as virtual museum tours and African American tourism.
“Our efforts, over the past several years, to elevate our presence through working with our museums and through the development of new African American tourism products has been rewarding. But now, to have the money to market all of these things is really equally as important” said BBHA Board President, Kristen Goller. Goller continued that “it will be a way for us to allow a much wider audience to be aware of what we’ve got to offer and why they need to come for a visit”.
The Rural Maryland Council received 215 applications requesting over $19 million dollars this year. The selection process was extremely competitive, and the BBHA is pleased to be one the organizations chosen.
To find out more about the Beach to Bay Heritage Area visit BeachesBaysWaterways.org.