BEACON’s Semi-Annual Business Sentiment Survey

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Salisbury University’s Business Economic and Community Outreach Network (BEACON), in collaboration with the Tri-County Councils of the Eastern Shore and the county economic development offices on the Eastern Shore , is launching its semi-annual survey to gauge the sentiment of businesses across Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Scheduled for the summer of 2024, this survey marks the seventh iteration in an ongoing effort to assess business owners’ perspectives on current and future economic conditions in the region. We are asking that you please set aside about 10 minutes to take the survey. One participant will win a $100 gift card provided by Beacon. 

To access the Summer 2024 survey, please visit The survey will remain open until  August 3, 2024.

This comprehensive survey covers a range of essential topics, from overarching business concerns to industry-specific conditions. Participants can provide insights on local, regional, state, and national economic outlooks for the upcoming year, as well as offer perspectives on issues ranging from labor supply to regulatory challenges.

The data gathered from this survey serves as a vital resource in identifying challenges facing the Eastern Shore region. It aids in long-term planning initiatives and informs the development of public policies geared towards fostering economic growth. The insights gleaned from respondents enable economic development professionals to focus resources on addressing the most pressing issues within our community.

Past findings and informative infographics are available on the Eastern Shore Economic Recovery Project website. This survey is part of the larger framework of the Eastern Shore Economic Recovery Project, supported by grants from the U.S. Economic Development Agency (EDA).

Survey results are meticulously analyzed and reported by BEACON, with public access provided through the Delmarva Index platform. The previous report can be accessed at, while the complete Delmarva Index can be found at

For additional information, please visit the BEACON webpage at  To participate in the survey, simply scan the QR code provided below, or use this link: .

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