Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore (BBBSES) is very excited to provide an update on their Big Moments summer campaign! On July 1st, BBBSES kicked off the summer with a goal to match 50 Littles by October along with a summer challenge for current and new matches to participate in. This summer activity allows matches the opportunity to enjoy the summer in a fun new way, as well as ignite the interest of prospective mentors across Maryland’s Eastern Shore, through social media awareness. Matches and Littles are challenged to complete a variety of activities throughout the summer. As activities are completed, participants take a photo and share it on social media with the hashtag #BigMoments, spreading the joys of mentoring far and wide.
Since its release on July 1st the campaign has inspired over 30 adult volunteers to sign up to mentor and has attracted the attention of many new community partnerships.
BBBSES currently has children in every county – Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester, on the waiting list, with more children inquiring every day. Littles waiting range in age from 6 – 16 years old, with most of these Littles being from Wicomico County and being teenage boys.
Volunteer mentors are enrolled starting at age 18. Mentors commit to mentoring 2-3 times per month for a least 1 year (2 years if they are a non-local college student). Activities are scheduled with the mentee’s guardian when both parties are free. A support specialist is assigned to every match to support the mentor, child and family. If interested in becoming a volunteer or enrolling a child, inquire at www.shorebiglittle.org, by phone at 410-543-2447, or email their office at info@shorebiglittle.org.
To continue following the progress of the Big Moments campaign be sure to follow their social media platforms: Instagram (@esBigs), Facebook (@BBBSES), and TikTok (@esbigs)