Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore (BBBSES) will be holding its 32nd Annual Santa’s Open Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday December 7th , with a 10:00 a.m. shotgun start at the beautiful Ocean City Golf Club. This event has become a holiday tradition over the years for BBBSES volunteers, supporters, sponsors and participants from all across Maryland’s Eastern Shore, coming together to support children facing adversity. Golfers will enjoy 18 holes of golf with a cart, breakfast, Santa’s cheer drinks, a golfer’s gift and reception, contests for closest to the pin and Pohanka sponsored hole in one, 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Prizes will be awarded for first and second place gross and net.
The agency asks each golfer to bring an unwrapped gift for a child between the ages of 6-17, which will be given to children in the BBBSES program during the agency’s annual holiday gathering event. All proceeds from this tournament stay local and support programs and services for children and families facing adversity across all nine counties of Maryland’s Eastern Shore including Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester.
Sponsorships and team spots are still available, but hurry because they are going quickly! Sponsor or register today at www.shorebiglittle.org/events, send an email to golf4kids@shorebiglittle.org, or call 410-543-2447.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore provides programs, enrichment activities and resources tailored to the needs of children on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The agency is accepting applications for both adult volunteers (Bigs) and children (Littles). For more Information please call, (410) 543-2447 or visit at www.shorebiglittle.org.