Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore Inc. (BBBSES) is proud to announce their 2021 Board Member and Bigs of the Year.
The agency has presented Tara Blaine, M&T Bank Senior Branch Manager and Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore Treasurer, as it’s 2021 Board Member of the Year. Blaine joined the Board of Directors in 2018. While she currently serves on the Executive Committee and is a dedicated leader of the Finance Committee, she also has been an asset to the Marketing and Golf for Kids’ Sake Committees. Her unwavering financial support and leadership has supported countless families and children on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
The Bigs of the Year awards are appointed to outstanding mentors who display dedication and leadership in their relationship with their Littles. BBBSES has chosen Thelonious “Theo” Johnson, from Wicomico County, as the 2021 Big Brother of the Year. Samantha “Sam” Storey, also from Wicomico County, has been named the 2021 Big Sister of the Year.
Johnson and his Little Brother have been matched for over two years. Their shared love of sports helped them form a quick bond, and his Little Brother has said, “Theo always finds time for us to hang out. When we get together, he lets me choose what we do and makes our time together fun. He gives me good advice and helps we with my homework. He has even helped me improve on how fast I can run, even the kids at school sometimes ask me how I got so fast, I just smile and think of Theo. I think we will be friends forever.” The Little Brother’s mother shared her feelings about the match, stating, “Theo has a natural leadership ability and touches the lives of people. He is an amazing role model and a blessing to everyone he meets.”
Storey has been matched with her Little Sister for over three years, and the Little Sister’s mother has said that even after all this time, “it’s just like when they first met.” The match shares the same exuberance and excitement to meet up regularly. Little Sister has felt grateful to Storey for helping her with whatever she needs, being there to talk her through whatever is on her mind, helping with academics, and being fun! Storey’s Little Sister has very much become a part of her family, and Storey has remained a beneficial and positive role model for her Little Sister.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore congratulates and thanks Blaine, Johnson and Storey for their diligence and devotion. These three award recipients truly are defending, inspiring and empowering potential.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore, Inc. is a nonprofit, youth development organization whose mission is to provide enrichment and create and support mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. If you are interested in learning how you can become a mentor or contribute financially, go to www.shorebiglittle.org.