They say everyone has a twin or dopplegänger out there somewhere. And, if John Denver were still alive today, he would be able to meet his identical twin face-to-face. Meet Denver’s twin (no relation) singer, songwriter, and tribute artist, Ted Vigil. Seriously, take a look at Vigil, then listen to him sing John Denver’s hits. Try to convince yourself this guy is NOT John Denver coming back for an encore. Some even call him John Denver 2.0. Catch him live at Salisbury’s premier live venue, Revival, on April 17 – Sunday at 1:30PM.
Ted Vigil is a singer, songwriter and a tribute artist. He was born in Seattle and raised in the Olympia area. He has been performing from the age of ten throughout school in concert, symphonic and jazz bands developing his talents as a drummer and singer.
In 2006 Ted Vigil went on to Laughlin, NV to compete in the Talent Quest 2006 involving 28 states, New Zealand, Australia and Canada taking first place. He then went on to win KOMO TV 4’s NW Afternoon Celebrity Look Alike contest in Seattle. Ted now performs nationwide for all kinds of venues and events. He has wowed the crowd selling out theatres in Pennsylvania and Kansas and has played twice now for John Denvers own “Windstar Foundation” in Aspen, CO. Ted cruised the Caribbean with Darryl Worley and Jimmy Wayne on a “Travelin’ Inc. country cruise hosted by Great American Countrys’ own Storme Warren. Last year Ted was awarded the Rising Legend Award by the National Traditional Country Music Association. Ted also performed with Steve Wiesberg, John Denvers lead guitar player from the 70’s who is quoted as saying “Apparently the audience thinks they all look and sound like John. I don’t see it. I see it with Ted. A very strong physical resemblance… Uncanny!” (King 5 Eve News Magazine clip) The most heard comments after a show are “I can’t believe how much he looks and sounds like John Denver! It really took us back!”
Tickets available online at revivalshows.com or call the box-office at (667) 281-0101 for assistance. Coffee, tea, and a special starter treat from the kitchen will be included with your ticket purchase. Delicious food and drink brunch items available at an additional cost.
“revival” is located on the 3rd floor of the City Center building in downtown historic Salisbury (213 W. Main St. Salisbury, MD). Follow us online: Facebook @revivalsalisbury, Instagram @revivalshows, Email boxoffice@revivalshows.com