The Rotary Club of Wicomico County was pleased to welcome to its Tuesday, September 8th meeting Senator Mary Beth Carozza.
Raised in Ocean City, Maryland, she grew up on the Shore working with her parents and siblings in the family’s business, “Beefy’s” on 17th Street in Ocean City. The building still stands today. There she learned the value of hard work. She attended Ocean City Elementary School, Berlin Middle School, and am a 1979 graduate of Stephen Decatur High School, where she played on the tennis team and competed in tournaments in Salisbury and throughout the Eastern Shore. After high school, she went on to graduate from The Catholic University of America with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Philosophy and a Master of Arts Degree in American Government, while also completing the Harvard Senior Managers Government summer program.
Mary Beth has dedicated her life to public service, excelling in senior leadership positions at the state and federal level. Her depth of experience includes holding key communications and management positions for members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, including Chief of Staff to Congressman Dave Hobson of Ohio. Mary Beth served in the Administration of President George W. Bush where she worked with distinction under the leadership of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs.
While working at the Pentagon on 9/11, Mary Beth scrambled with others to keep communications open with Capitol Hill and the rest of the world. For her efforts on a day that changed America and in recognition for her service at the Pentagon, Mary Beth was awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service.
In 2003, she was asked to serve as Deputy Chief of Staff in the Office of Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich. While there she worked to advance the critical priorities of local Shore officials, business and community leaders. Following her work in the Ehrlich Administration, Mary Beth served as Deputy Staff Director of the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee and Chief of Staff to Congressman Steve Stivers. In 2014, Mary Beth was elected by a large majority to Maryland District 38C which covers northern Worcester County and the Eastern part of Wicomico County.
After a single term, she was encouraged to take on the challenge of running as Senator of Maryland District 38. She was elected to the Maryland State Senate on November 6, 2018 and sworn into office on January 9, 2019. She currently serves on the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, the Women’s Caucus, and the Veterans Caucus.
In March 2019, Senator Carozza was recognized by The Daily Record as one of “Maryland’s Top 100 Women” for 2019. This honor is given to women for their professional achievement, community leadership, and mentoring. Throughout Senator Carozza’s public service, she has strived to build people and communities up and looks forward to continuing to do so.
In April 2020, Senator Carozza was recognized by the Maryland Municipal League as a Municipal Super Star. Carozza is one of eight lawmakers to receive this award for going above and beyond on behalf of municipal government during the 441st session of the Maryland General Assembly. Senator Carozza has prioritized working with local mayors and town council members on shared priorities to advance the Shore way of life.
Annually, The Rotary Club of Wicomico County contributes over $50,000 back into our community through the support of agencies and causes including: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, Habitat for Humanity, scholarships for local high school and college students, The Christian Shelter, RYLA, Easter Seals Camp Fairlee, Polio Eradication (Global), HALO, Wicomico County Library, the construction of wheel chair ramps and much more.
The Rotary Club of Wicomico County meets every Tuesday at noon in the DaNang Room of the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center. To learn more about the Rotary Club of Wicomico County or to obtain membership information, please contact Gary Stiegler, Membership Chair at Gnstiegler@comcast.net or visit the club’s website at www.wicomicorotary.com.