Wicomico County Board of Education Elects New President, Vice President... July 22, 2015 In accordance with state education law, the Board of Education reorganizes each July, electing a president and vice president to… READ MORE
Bay Area Center for Independent Living (CIL) Staff Member Recognized July 21, 2015 The Maryland Statewide Independent Living Council, on July 15, 2015, recognized Deborah “Dee” Still for her excellence in provision of… READ MORE
Coastal Hospice, SU Partner on Children’s Bereavement Camp July 21, 2015 “I’m really sad that my dad died,” said one young boy quietly to the camera that was filming him inside… READ MORE
Steven E. Sweigert Joins PKS Investment Advisors July 21, 2015 PKS Investment Advisors LLC is pleased to announce that Steven E. Sweigert has joined the firm as an Investment Advisor.… READ MORE
Employees as Entrepreneurs — Fostering Growth Within a Larger Company July 20, 2015 Entrepreneur. It is a word associated with independence, creativity, drive, and problem-solving. It conjures images of freedom and success. It… READ MORE
Donna Murray Honored as Rotarian of the Year July 17, 2015 The Salisbury Sunrise Rotary Club recently named Donna Murray as Rotarian of the Year. The Rotarian of the Year Award… READ MORE
Kicks for Kids Kickball Tournament Raises $4,000 for Coastal Kids... July 17, 2015 Thirteen teams turned out on Saturday, July 11 for the inaugural “Kicks for Kids” kickball tournament and fundraising event and… READ MORE
GMB Welcomes New Team Members July 16, 2015 George, Miles & Buhr, LLC (GMB) is pleased to welcome the following four new employees to our Salisbury and Sparks… READ MORE
Becker Morgan Group’s Salisbury Staff Expands July 16, 2015 Becker Morgan Group is pleased to announce new hires throughout several divisions in the Salisbury, Maryland office. New additions to… READ MORE
Showell Family Completes $100,000 Pledge to the PRMC Foundation July 15, 2015 Members of the Showell family join leadership of the Peninsula Regional Medical Center Foundation on the beach in front of… READ MORE
MCE Women’s Luncheon in Ocean City July 15, 2015 Join us this month for some exciting new learning opportuni-ties at our first Strong Women in Business Monthly Networking Luncheon in… READ MORE
On “Target” for United Way July 15, 2015 Target in Salisbury has been a strong partner with United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore for over ten years… READ MORE