Sun Safety Week May 22, 2015 June 1-7 is Sun Safety Week. It’s a great time to start thinking about how you’re protecting yourself while enjoying… READ MORE
Atlantic General Hospital June Events May 21, 2015 Monday, June 1, 2015 AGH Hypertension Clinic 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Apple Drug, Berlin, Md. Free blood pressure screening… READ MORE
Discounted Amusement Park Tickets Available at Civic Center May 21, 2015 Are you craving the rush of a roller coaster or the smell of funnel cakes this summer? If you plan to… READ MORE
Heritage Flight During OC Air Show Brings Past and Future... May 19, 2015 The U.S. Air Force will put the past and future of air power together at the 2015 Ocean City Air… READ MORE
13th Annual Memorial Day Ceremony May 19, 2015 Area residents are invited to honor those men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country… READ MORE
Deal Island Class Picks “Midnight” for Zoo’s Red Wolf Name May 12, 2015 The grand prize winner of the Just Zoo It! Campaign, a 5th grade class from Deal Island Elementary School, came… READ MORE
BACIL Family Night at the Zoo May 10, 2015 The Bay Area Center for Independent Living will be hosting a ‘Family Night at the Zoo’ on Friday, July 10… READ MORE
Hurricane Season Preparedness May 10, 2015 A hurricane is a severe tropical storm. The Atlantic hurricane season lasts from June to November, with the peak season… READ MORE
BACIL Social Group Meeting for Individuals with Special Health Care... May 9, 2015 Want to try something new? Come to Bay Area Center for Independent Living’s next Social Group Meeting for Individuals with… READ MORE
3rd Friday – May 15th May 8, 2015 May 15th, 2015 is the next 3rd Friday in Downtown Salisbury, with artists and crafters filling the streets, live music… READ MORE
Wor-Wic Annual Golf Tournament May 7, 2015 Wor-Wic Community College will hold its 14th annual golf tournament on Friday, June 5, at Wor-Wic’s Ocean Resorts Golf Club… READ MORE
Salisbury Zoo Discovers Gender of Baby Bear May 7, 2015 On Wednesday, April 29, the zoo’s newborn Andean bear cub received a routine physical examination. The cub, born on January… READ MORE