City Opens COVID-19 Emergency Relief Business Microgrant Program June 11, 2020 The City of Salisbury has announced the opening application period for a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Micro-grant Program for eligible businesses.… READ MORE
SBDC Offers 7 Steps to Marketing Success for Local Small... June 9, 2020 How can businesses inform their clientele of updates to their company? What are ways to demonstrate the value of your… READ MORE
Becker Morgan Group Announces New Hires & Survey Department Growth June 5, 2020 Becker Morgan Group is pleased to announce the growth of the firm’s surveying department with the addition of two new… READ MORE
Insley Settles on Land for 7-Eleven in Berlin, MD June 5, 2020 Berlin, MD- May 2020- Tonney Insley, SVN Miller Commercial settled on 3.3 acres at the SE corner of US Route… READ MORE
Applicants Sought for Criminal Justice Reform Task Force June 5, 2020 Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day and City Administrator Julia Glanz today announced that the City is accepting applications for membership on… READ MORE
Employer Liability Considerations for Re-Opening After COVID-19 June 4, 2020 By Reena Patel As Maryland has started to reopen its businesses, many in the business community are wondering how Covid-19… READ MORE
Becker Morgan Group – Milford Wellness Village June 2, 2020 21st Century Healthcare: improving health and lowering costs while contributing to economic development. One healthcare provider is making that a… READ MORE
Knopp Ranks 10th Internationally on His 10th Anniversary June 2, 2020 Senior Advisor, Tom Knopp ranks 10th in April 2020 for SVN International Corp. SVN International has 1600 Advisors and over… READ MORE
BEACON and SACC’s to Present “Where Are We Now? An... May 22, 2020 On Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11:30 AM, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce / Salisbury, MD, and Beacon at Salisbury… READ MORE
Are You Covered? What You Need to Know About Business... May 21, 2020 by James L. Otway, Esq. Are you wondering whether your business insurance will provide any relief from the losses you… READ MORE
Maryland Chamber of Commerce Releases 2020 Legislative Report May 21, 2020 The Maryland Chamber of Commerce is proud to lead its membership, policymakers and other external stakeholders in support of policies… READ MORE
It Takes More Than Luck May 15, 2020 By Cathy Diekmann Thursday, May 14, 2020 was a perfect Spring night for the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce to… READ MORE