The Community Foundation and United Way are planning a professional development opportunity or nonprofit professionals on June 10th from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center. The event will feature a motivational kick-off by Paula Morris (Professor Emeritus), vendor expo, multiple intensive breakout sessions, and many fun activities. Breakout session topics include:
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion presented by Annette Johnson
- Major Gifts Fundraising presented by Amy Luppens. Salisbury University Foundation
- Collaborative Partnerships presented by CareFirst featuring Lower Shore Vulnerable Population Task Force and Worcester County Health Department LHIC
- Restorative Practices presented by Mid-Shore Community Mediation
- Cyber Security for Nonprofits presented by Vantage Point Solutions
- Customer Service presented by Sophia Oberton (Koach Phee)
Use promo code “multiple” to get batch discounted tickets after your first purchased ticket. We are also seeking vendors for this event. If your business provides professional services to nonprofits on the Lower Shore, you are welcome to participate in our event! To learn more about the summit and register, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lower-shore-nonprofit-summit-together-again-tickets-326025961427. For more information, please contact either Heather Mahler hmahler@cfes.org or Claire Otterbein claire@uwles.org.