Every year the Salisbury Area Chamber provides over 150 “welcome bags” to new public and private school teachers in Wicomico County.
The Chamber is encouraging local businesses and non-profits to donate helpful items to these teachers for the upcoming school year.
“Many of these teachers are new to the area and this will be one of the first contacts that they will have with our business community,” said Lauren Barnas, Director of Events at the Chamber and organizer of the project, “We feel it is important to make them feel welcome as well as educate them on our area businesses and our community at-large. It’s also a great advertising opportunity.”
Barnas is requesting 170 items per business to place into the bags. Accepted donations include advertising pieces, coupons, promotional products, or goods with a company logo.
“This year we would ask that the majority of submissions be physical items, rather than paper products,” Barnas said,” Teachers seem to find them more useful.”
Those interested in donating should deliver items no later than August 10 to the Chamber offices, at 144 East Main Street in Salisbury.
Barnas is also requesting volunteers for their “bag stuffing” event on August 15 at 12 p.m. at the Chamber. For more information, call 410-749-0144 or email lbarnas@salisburyarea.com.