Workplace bullying, including sexual harassment, can cost businesses productivity, employee retention, reputation and revenue. While recent headlines have raised awareness on the issues, many businesses, especially those who legal, HR and insurance experts on staff. While some businesses may have policies and procedures in writing, they may not have actually implemented the practices that protect their employees and their business interests.
Please join us for an informative and interactive panel discussion that will explore the issues, procedures and practices aimed at preventing workplace harassment. Issues will be explored from the legal, human resource and insurance perspectives.
Free to members, $10 for future members.
Panelists include: · Robin Cockey, Esq., Cockey, Brennan, & Maloney, P. C.
Kathryn Redden, M.A., Regional Manager, Perdue Farms
Karri Todd, MBA, Account Executive, Avery Hall Insurance
Attendees will be provided with take-away documents to equip themselves with next steps in their workplace harassment prevention must-dos.
Light continental breakfast will be served.