Salisbury- The City of Salisbury and its Housing and Community Development Department are pleased to recognize National Code Compliance Month, and celebrate the Code Enforcement Officers that provide safety and welfare for our community through their enforcement of local codes and ordinances. Last year, the City of Salisbury received and responded to over 500 code compliance related complaints and handled just over 12,000 cases within our City.
This year for National Code Compliance Month, the City of Salisbury will be featuring profiles of the members of our code enforcement team on Facebook to help citizens get to know their code enforcement officers, and better understand why code compliance is such an important part of city operations.
Code enforcement officers are tasked with the highly-visible role of making sure that properties throughout the City are up to code, as well as helping landlords register their rental homes throughout the City. These are dedicated, qualified individuals who are well versed in the City’s code and share a common goal of preventing neighborhood deterioration, ensuring safety, and preserving as well as increasing property values throughout the City they serve.
The City of Salisbury’s code enforcement team is comprised of nine individuals who work under the leadership of HCDD Director Ron Strickler. “We are very excited to put the spotlight on these hardworking individuals this month, and help our fellow citizens understand the importance of what they do on a daily basis in our City,” shared HCDD Director Ron Strickler.