Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day announced today that the City has put out a call for an artist or a team of artists to design and paint a mural at the corner of one of Salisbury’s busiest intersections. The property at the corner of Church Street and Business Rte. 13 is the former site of a blighted property which was donated to the City and has since been demolished.
The mural will be painted on the side of the building at 401 E. Church St., facing the intersection. Over the past two months, public input sessions were held to allow community residents and neighbors of the mural to inform the final design. The information and opinions gleaned from these sessions will be provided to the artist who is ultimately chosen to design and paint the mural. Funding for materials and an artist stipend of $1,000 will be provided.
Interested artists should submit a resume and five (5) relevant pieces of work to Kevin Lindsay at klindsay@salisbury.md The deadline for applications is March 10, 2019. The winning artist will be announced no later than March 15, and the mural shall be completed no later than April 15, 2019.
For more information, contact Kevin Lindsay at klindsay@salisbury.md or 410-341-9550. See the accompanying .pdf document for dimensions and further details.