The County is pleased to announce a new program Clean Up Wicomico – Poultry Building Removal. The program will allot MS4 funds to assist in the removal of outdated and unused Poultry House structures.
With approximately 88,559 acres of farmland within the County, the ability to identify opportunities within the County to reduce impervious surfaces was recognized as a benefit to meeting MS4 requirements while also providing assistance to agricultural land owners.
The County’s MS4 Permit requires tracking of impervious surface restoration efforts at a rate of 20% within MS4 Permit term. The demolition of the Poultry Houses and conversion to impervious surfaces per regulations will allow the County to provide support involvement by investing time, resources, and financial relief to those who seek to participate.
The County will utilize MS4 funds to pay all landfill tipping fees for the exterior Poultry Building demolition debris. In partnership with the County, the Poultry Building Owners will choose from three regulatory options to meet MS4 requirements and assist in meeting regulations.
Applications can be found by going to the County’s Website at www.wicomicocounty.org and clicking on the “Clean Up Wicomico” Tab or for further information, please contact the Newland Park Landfill at 410-548-4935.