The Pastoral Care Department at Peninsula Regional Medical Center is pleased to offer a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) spring class beginning on January 14, 2016.
CPE is clinical education for ministers, seminarians and lay pastoral leaders to develop pastoral care skills. Attention is given to meeting the spiritual needs of patients, families, staff and CPE members. This program is a minimum of 400 hours of supervised learning per unit of training. Four hundred hours of clinical patient visitation time is also required. The spring session will continue through May.
The educational approach used in CPE is described as “action-reflection-action.” Students provide pastoral care to patients, family members and staff, and then use their experiences for reflection and learning. Students participate in seminars that provide direct supervision, peer interaction and accountability for one’s professional functioning. While seminary courses provide the basis for the theology of pastoral care, CPE provides the clinical component of theological education by emphasizing learning by doing.
Peninsula Regional Medical Center is a CPE training center accredited by the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP). Classes are under the instruction of the Reverend Richard Walton, M.Div.
Additional information about Clinical Pastoral Education is available through the Pastoral Care Department at Peninsula Regional Medical Center by calling 410-543-7202 or emailing Joyce LeCates at joyce.lecates@peninsula.org.
Applications are now being accepted, and class size is limited to six participants. Tuition for the full unit, 16 week class is $400.00 plus the cost of classroom text materials. There is a non-refundable application fee of $25.00 that will be applied to tuition if accepted into the program.