Mary Adams, a certified nursing assistant, has earned Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s Sunshine Award for outstanding nursing assistants and patient care techicians/assistants. Colleagues say Adams is extraordinary with patients, and in fact a recent patient nominated her for the award, saying, “She would visit me every morning when she arrived at work. In addition to her direct patient activities, she would put her head in the door throughout her shift just to make sure that everything was OK and to see if I needed anything. There was never a need to ask for anything because she can anticipate before it is mentioned. It made me feel less cut off from the world when she was there. She has a natural ability to make you calm and less fearful. She is an asset to PRMC, and is surely deserving of the Sunshine Award!”
For her exceptional service, Adams was honored in a ceremony before her coworkers, and was presented with fresh flowers, a pin and a certificate recognizing her exceptional care. To nominate a deserving CNA, PCA or PCT, please visit www.peninsula.org/sunshine.