Coastal Hospice & COVID-19 (3-30-20)

Coastal Hospice

As an organization with its mission rooted in the health of our community, we want to reassure patients, families and the broader community that Coastal Hospice remains open and available to serve.

Using the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and our local health departments, we are vigilant in the war against COVID-19. Our staff is taking every known step to protect our patients, their families and themselves (and their families) against its spread. From logging temperatures daily and self-monitoring for symptoms to educating caregivers about steps to stop COVID-19 and staying home when ill themselves, our team is diligently assisting those in need.

We recognize that some families are hesitant to have staff members come to their homes. Our chaplains and social workers are providing most care via phone or video chat, except when there is an urgent need. Nursing and aide staff are adjusting schedules to meet needs and minimize intrusion.

Having a loved one with a terminal illness is never easy; having one in the time of COVID-19 is beyond stressful. Our hope is to help families manage during this time as best as possible. That said, I also must take a moment to recognize our staff on the front lines. They are doing an amazing job with passion and commitment, and we, the management team, are extremely grateful for their efforts, as we know our patients and families are, as well.

We developed a rack card that explains steps that can be taken to protect against this virus. It can be found on our website at along with a Q&A addressing the questions we receive most. If you would like a copy of the rack card mailed or emailed to you, please call us at 410-742-8732 or email

Together we will get through this.

Thank you.

Alane Capen, CEO