Members of The Rotary Club of Salisbury have selected community leader BJ Summers to become the President-Elect in the coming Rotary year and President in the July 2024-June 2025 year.
Mrs. Summer has been a club member since 2015, served on the Board of Directors, recruited several new club members, been active in the club’s community service projects, served as a financial advisor to the Rotary Club of Salisbury Foundation, Inc., and became a donor the international Rotary Foundation,
Professionally, she worked for a quarter of a century for the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore where she led its donor relations efforts.
The Rotary Club of Salisbury meets weekly on Thursday evenings for dinner at the Rotary Scout and Community Center along Riverside Drive near Salisbury. Members enjoy the fellowship, community service projects, and the interesting speakers at many of club meetings. And unlike Rotary of days gone by, there no longer is an attendance requirement. Members can attend and participate in club events as they choose. For membership information contact Ginnie Malone at 410-251-6188 or gmalone@cbmove.com.